Thursday, November 14, 2019

Painting Cabinet

After some deep thoughts about whether to completely repaint the cabinet, if another color would be a good option (black and neon green), I decided to keep the cabinet as close to original as possible.  I was able to find some paint that is very close and looks real nice.  Here are some pics of the progress.  I will post more pics when painting is complete.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Cabinet repair, ready for paint

The lower Cabinet was in rough condition.  It was stored up ended in a damp or wet basement or location.  I cut about five inches off and totally rebuilt the end of lower cabinet with matching plywood.  I was careful to match the size and cuts of original.  Now ready for paint.

This what I started with

made this jig to drill leg bolt holes, worked awesome

Head fits nice, level and solid, now to get it ready for paint.

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Backglass repaired

After sealing the backglass, I had it scanned by a company near me.  They have one of only 5 large high end flat bed scanners in the US.  The scan used 1 G of space on a thump drive.  The scan was awesome.  After that my son who works with Photoshop all day for a living, spent 10 hours fixing and cleaning up the scan.  He also made three layers for the print shop.  The three layers are as follows: 1 for color 2 for white 3 for shading or blocking.  We are very happy with the finished product.  Even made a coffee cup of the print.

Backglass before sealing.

Backglass after sealing.

New Finish Backglass

Back of New Backglass

Test print a mini glass.
Coffee cup