Saturday, June 1, 2019

Backglass repaired

After sealing the backglass, I had it scanned by a company near me.  They have one of only 5 large high end flat bed scanners in the US.  The scan used 1 G of space on a thump drive.  The scan was awesome.  After that my son who works with Photoshop all day for a living, spent 10 hours fixing and cleaning up the scan.  He also made three layers for the print shop.  The three layers are as follows: 1 for color 2 for white 3 for shading or blocking.  We are very happy with the finished product.  Even made a coffee cup of the print.

Backglass before sealing.

Backglass after sealing.

New Finish Backglass

Back of New Backglass

Test print a mini glass.
Coffee cup