Sunday, November 5, 2017

So it starts, first pics and comments

Please post any comments that may help bring this game back to life.

Some lifting, missing some ink.

more lifting

Bottom 1/4 has lifting, will seal and try my hand at art work, unless some local can help.

Sound board, looks good.

MPU, looks good, very small acid damage.

Not a Stern driver board, must have been replaced?

Pick up a very nice used STERN driver board on ebay.

Lamp board looks nice and Stern!

Inside head

Outside of head, all Stern displays.

Playfield looks like fun, can't wait to play it.
Viper cabinet, see the extra buttons for the turret.

Years of sitting on wet concrete?

coin door

under playfield

inside back of cabinet

Power board

Tilt board

Four ball multiball, FUN!